Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bella's Fashion Show

I thought I would post some more pictures of Isabella- She is now 3 weeks old and continues to do great! She is awake a lot more during the day, which has brought about her being more fussy at times as well. She is still sleeping good at night though, so we still can't complain. She typically gets up around 2 and 5 to eat, but then goes back to sleep right away.
I think Bella is still growing like a weed as well! She has pretty much grown out of her newborn clothes and is wearing her 0-3 month stuff- which is good, because she has a very large summer wardrobe. :) I have enjoyed getting to put her in all her cute outfits! We have gone on several outings this past week, so there has actually been an opportunity to wear them as well. We visited Daddy at his work places, I brought her to both hospice and dialysis, and she was at both grandparent's house for Father's Day. So she has been a busy girl!
Outfit #1: As you can see, she doesn't always like being tormented by having her picture taken. :) But she still looks so cute!
Outfit #2: Relaxing in Mommy's lap on Father's Day
Outfit #3: Looking rather perplexed for the camera
Outfit #4: One of her many many dresses! Her bonnet is still a little big.
Outfit #5: Her first time watching Baby Einstein in her bouncy seat. She wasn't too interested though. :)
Daddy and his little girl on their first Father's Day!
Outfit #6: A pretty grumpy look- I'm sure she wonders why this camera is in her face all the time!

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