Sunday, July 26, 2009

Isabella's Firsts

We have been very busy the past few weeks with lots of family activities. Bella has also experienced many of her "firsts." I'll explain more in the pictures below!

Bella went to her first wedding- outside of my belly anyway. :) One of my friend's from high school got married in Sully. Unfortunately, Bella didn't really want to see the wedding (she started fussing), so we spent the ceremony outside.
I have FINALLY been able to capture more smiles on camera. Here is a little one!
And another one.
Bella does lots of amusing positions when she sleeps. It's no wonder that she didn't really like being swaddled! She wants those arms free!
Showing off her cute sunhat.
Another family portrait!
Derek's brother Matthew, his wife Melissa, and their son Cayden visited Iowa for a few weeks from California. Bella got to meet her other cousin in person for the first time! She didn't really notice, but he enjoyed patting her on the head. We took some family pictures with the latest member.
All of the De Haan kids. Derek, his brother, his dad, and the two grandchildren.

Doesn't she look angelic? I should take a picture of her when she's screaming though... definitely not the same face!
Bella with Aunt Melissa
This is one of her big GIANT smiles! She has really started to respond to us more in the past few weeks. In addition to her smiles, she is now "cooing" and trying to imitate the noises we make. So much fun!
Another big smile!
Another "first" for Bella was her first vacation! We went to Omaha with my whole family over this past weekend. Bella did quite awesome on the trip. We swam in the hotel, went to the Omaha Zoo, and just relaxed. Bella got to try on her swimsuit for the first time! Unfortunately, the water was pretty chilly, so we didn't have her in the pool for too long. If it was warm, I'm sure she would've liked it since she loves bathtime!
Testing out the pool with Daddy. Sitting at the edge with Mommy.
The whole family (minus Derek and my dad) at the Zoo. We had a great time there!
Derek and Dylann
Grandpa Doug and Mommy with Bella.

This is pretty much how Bella spent the entire day at the zoo. For some reason, she never sleeps in her stroller! The second we put her in there, her eyes pop open. So she slept in my arms. Good thing she's not too heavy yet! Snuggling with Daddy back at the hotel.
Our little family!
Another first this week that wasn't so happy was that Bella and I were separated for the first time... My maternity leave is unfortunately up, so I had to go back to work. I haven't been away for her longer than an hour, so it was definitely hard to leave- even if it was for just 4 hours! I just cried a little bit. :) Grandpa Sheri informs me that she was good though, so I guess we both survived. I was pretty worried about going back initially. Bella is an awesome nurser- so awesome that she went through a phase of screaming bloody murder when we gave her a bottle. I tried out some different kinds though, and found one that has been working for her. She still is not the biggest fan, but she will do it!

1 comment:

Heather and Riley said...

Looks like you are all adjusting to parenting very well, isnt it a blast to watch them change on a daily basis its such a blessing. I love all the cute pics, cant wait to meet her!