Monday, August 31, 2009

Almost 3 months old!

So I thought it was about time for another update on Isabella. We have had quite a few happenings in the past couple weeks! First, just a few days after our last post, Bella rolled over from her tummy to her back for the first time. She is now doing it on an occasional basis, but never when we want her to. :) Naturally! I think she is pretty close from going to her back to her tummy as well. She continues to have more and more control over her head and likes sitting up like a big girl. Bella also LOVES to stand. She has very strong legs for a baby! She kicks them against everything she can.
Here is a picture of her after she rolled over!
She continues to be a happy baby with lots of smiles! She has started to giggle some, but hasn't done a full belly laugh yet. She loves being talked to and talking back in a very loud voice. Bella also likes to be sung to- a favorite is "Head, shoulders, knees and toes" for some reason!
She is also doing AWESOME at night. She started sleeping in her crib a few weeks ago, and we were both a little nervous that it wouldn't go well. However, she seems to like it because she can sprawl her legs and arms out all over! Bella generally goes to sleep between 9-10 and sleeps until 4:30-5:30 in the morning. Then she wakes up to eat, and goes back to bed until 9ish! Some nights she wakes up one other time to eat, but generally she sleeps for that 8 hour chunk.
However... bottle feeding is not going so well. Last week she all of a sudden decided she wanted to stop taking her bottle. Not sure why this occurred, but it has been a slight source of stress for Mommy! Thankfully, with my work schedule I'm only gone from her for 4 hours at a time. Thus I know that she won't be starving when I'm away. We are going to keep working with her on taking her bottle though. It sucks pretty bad- she just sits there bawling her eyes out, and I know exactly what she wants! But she does forgive us afterwards. :)

She definitely is continuing to grow! Getting quite a few rolls of chub- which makes for great cuddling.This past weekend, we took a weekend trip to St. Louis to go to a Cardinals game. We also revisited all of our favorite places from when we lived there! Bella was such a good girl, even during the car ride. She hates her car seat, so we were both thinking that a majority of the time may be spent listening to her cry. However, she only cried a total of maybe 45 minutes on the way down, and she slept a lot on the way back! Thank goodness for portable DVD players and Baby Einstein DVD's. That occupied some awake time! Derek also got to enjoy listening to children's songs sung by Mommy over and over again.Our little family!Derek and Bella at our favorite St. Louis restaurant- Dewey's pizza.I love this picture! It kind of shows this new thing she does- when somebody is holding her, she will smile at someone else and then duck her head into their chest.She even did well sleeping in the crib our hotel provided- all sprawled out in a typical pose. Showing off her strong legs.Daddy and Bella in downtown St. Louis. He had to take a picture by the arches they had up for the All-Star game of course. :)Mommy selected to stand by the flowers with Bella.Standing in front of the arch- or rather, one little part of the arch.

We took a walk in Forest Park and sat out by the fountains. It was such a nice day!Taking a snooze on Daddy on Saturday afternoon. This continues to be her fav sleeping pose!
All decked out in her first Cardinals outfit. She had to wear pink though rather than red- I don't want to be asked is that a little girl or a little boy!So excited to go to the game apparently!
Bella did really well at the game too! In fact, she spent all but maybe half an hour sleeping. Slept through the loud crowd, the fireworks going off 3 times... she was worn out! And she still slept that nigh.Staying warm and bundled up with Mommy.
Her first jeans! The weather is changing, so it's a good thing she is fitting into some of her 3-6 month clothes. She looks so big in this picture though! Our little baby isn't going to be so little anymore.

1 comment:

Heather and Riley said...

She is so cute and getting so big, time flies. Thats relly cool you get to work part time but still be home with her.