Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas Part 2

So our next Christmas gatherings began on Christmas Eve. We ended up going to my parents house that afternoon to avoid the huge snowstorm- even though that never actually happened around here! Oh well, Bella got to have a sleepover at Grandpa and Grandma's. :) We spent Christmas Eve day relaxing and playing, just as Bella always does! We went over to Shawn and ChyAnne's that night to have soup. Playing with her new table and apparently talking to it!Bella also got to see her good friend Tommy again. :) She was very much liking him and wanted to pull on his fur and tail! I think maybe she needs a kitty at home....
On Christmas, my mom and I spent the day cooking, and we had supper and opened gifts that night. Bella was apparently very excited about the festivities!
A picture of the whole Huyser family, which actually turned out amazingly well for 8 adults and 4 kids!A picture of our family- however, Bella was getting mighty sick of pictures at that point. Bella got many more presents to play with, including a Little People Nativity Set, a Learning Purse, a few books, blocks, and some adorable clothes to add to her wardrobe! It was a very fun first Christmas Day for Bella.

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