Saturday, February 20, 2010

Our Curious Little Girl

Bella has been quite busy these past few weeks - not with going places, since we're typically snowed in 24/7. :) But she has been up to a lot around the house! Here are some pictures showing Miss Bella and her never-ending curiosity... (I just noticed looking at these pictures she has this same ornery expression on her face in all of them, like she knows that she's doing something naughty!)
She really likes taking things out of places, which includes removing all of her toys out of her toy chest!And why do the books need to be on a shelf? They work much better on the floor!
Mommy's socks are also very fun to play with! Bella heads into our bedroom and in our closet about every day to go mess with these. I was picking them up daily... but now I don't bother! Bella also loves messing with the bottom of her high chair for some reason. It can no longer stand like this however because this little lady knocks it all the way over on the floor. It's much more fun to play underneath the jumperoo rather than in it!She also likes to help Daddy when he's playing Wii. She also still enjoys chewing on Mommy's phone. Bella has her own to play with, but she somehow knows that one doesn't work! This picture also shows her new boyfriend jeans- so stylish already at 8 1/2 months! Bella loves standing by our sliding doors to the deck and looking outside. Or maybe she just likes smearing her little fingerprints on the glass? But who can resist that face? As you can see, Bella is STARTING to get enough hair for me to put in a bow. Thankfully her hair is dark, so you can actually see the little bit that she has.
Here is our little Valentine with Mommy and Daddy before we went out to eat!Bella enjoyed examining the pretty flowers that Derek got for me. She really would've liked to tear them to shreds, but looking at them had to suffice. That reminds me of another new development of Bella... she is entering the stranger anxiety phase, but only with guys. When the deliveryman brought the flowers to the door, she was apparently terrified of him. She has started crying around guys she doesn't know several times since - apparently men are scary! It's funny though because she never does it around new women.
Bella has also been messing with her tongue a lot lately. One day she kept sticking it out like this - I think she's doing her clown lips. :)Bella in her snow bunny outfit admiring the winter wonderland outside!
And just to show that Bella is not always an angelic happy baby.... this picture shows that she does have quite a little temper and is super stubborn! It's funny; I was just thinking the other day how relaxed and easygoing Bella was when she was a newborn. Not so much anymore- she may have inherited a bit of my temper. She gets so mad when she doesn't get something she wants or when she doesn't want to do something. Princess knows what she wants and what she doesn't want, that's for sure! But Bella is generally like this most of the time. :)

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