Monday, April 9, 2012

Bella's Activities!

Bella had a pretty exciting month in March with lots of fun things for her to do! First, and probably the favorite, she got to see her favorite person again...
A Big Dora! :)
We went to Kids Fest in Des Moines again just so that Bella and Dora could reunite. Bella was obviously quite excited and talked about it for weeks beforehand. She was curious where Boots was this year though!
Bella also got to meet Jasmine- too bad it wasn't Cinderella or Belle, then she would've been really pumped. :)
Naturally, Bella had to take a couple rides down the big inflatable slide.
Squealing with delight the whole time!
Another absolute favorite for Bella, and a first, was getting her face painted! This was possibly the cutest thing in the world to watch. She sat so still and concentrated so hard- it was adorable. :)
Getting her little mouth painted in to look like a....
Kitty! Big surprise there. :) She looked so stinkin cute; I hated to wash it off her face that night!
Bella loved jumping around in the bouncy house! Although when it was time to get out, she didn't exactly listen, and Daddy had to climb in to go retrieve her... Oops!
Chilling with Elmo and Big Bird. :)
Taking a ride on the train- she is saying chugga chugga choo choo here I believe. :) It was a very fun outing for her!
A few days after Kids Fest, we left for our vacation to Florida! More pictures to come on that later. :) It wasn't even bad to come home because we returned to beautiful beautiful weather. So we have spent lots of time playing outside! But naturally Bella needs some inside play too with her beloved princesses.
She loves her imaginative play!
Bella also enjoys lining up all her dolls for some reason. She sets every single one up (and there is a lot!). And beware the person who tries to pick them up!

I'm not sure what they were doing on this particular day- I think maybe listening to Bella do a concert or some such thing. :) Another weird thing Bella has been doing with her toys has been to take ALL the food and dishes out of her toy kitchen and line them up on the floor or table. One day she said she was cooking sugar, and another time she was having a Christmas party for Santa. Quite the imagination! 
I wanted her to take a picture by our pretty purple bush. Nice smile huh. :) 

The next fun for Bella was starting swimming lessons again! Her last time for doing the parent-child lessons- then off to the group or private lessons!
She has been doing a really good job thus far. However, Mommy may be stuck going in the pool the rest of the sessions. She doesn't exactly like to listen to Daddy
Practicing the back float, every child's favorite!
The majority of our outside time has been spent doing this: drawing pictures all over the driveway!
Bella has seriously been obsessed with sidewalk chalk lately. Mommy doesn't really mind it though, as evidenced by my giant Easter bunny above. :) I like to draw too!
And that makes for some very messy hands and clothes, since she likes to sit on all of the pictures. :)
Such a little goofball!
We experienced something very unpleasant for about a week as well- some major temper tantrums occurring. Not exactly sure what they were caused from, but they were definitely the worst Bella has had- as in screaming and crying for 20 minutes straight! We experimented with some new discipline ideas and reward charts, and that seemed to help. Oh the joys of an almost 3 year old. :)
Gracie got introduced to the big bath this month, so Bella now has a little playmate! :) She actually really likes having her in there. Gracie may feel otherwise as Bella likes to help wash her, and water often gets poured on her face before Mommy can stop it. Poor second child!
We also went to Pella's Easter egg hunt for the first time!
This was Bella's first egg hunt of the year, and she knew exactly what to do.
She was very meticulous about picking up every last piece of candy, even if it was buried in grass- as evidenced by the handful of grass getting thrown in the bucket.
Posing with all her earnings! Easter candy was much more thrilling this year as Bella now loves her chocolate. :)
Gracie chilled in the stroller. :) Next year!
On our way to our car, Bella saw some "beautiful pink flowers" and actually WANTED to have her picture taken! Shocking!
And our funny sayings of the month:
-"I wanna stay up early!" Spoken on the way home from somewhere when we told her she had to go to bed when we got home. Right concept, messed up the words a little bit. :)
-"That's not good!" That has been said a LOT this month. As little sister gets more and more mobile, she has been getting into Miss Bella's toys- aka chewing on them. Bella is not a fan!
-"You're making me cry Mommy!" This was during temper tantrum week. :)
-"That's not nice." We now get told that if we say something deemed naughty since part of our discipline techniques has been to talk about what is nice behavior or words and what is naughty. She apparently caught on to that quick, and now Mommy and Daddy are getting scolded as well!

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