So our little baby is nearly 3 months old- can't hardly believe it! Grace really started to develop her little personality this month, which has been so fun. She really interacts and responds with us, and is such a happy content little girl!
Grace has started to give us big giant smiles, especially after she's just woken up or eaten. She has also started to giggle a little bit when her neck is tickled.Grace is not a fan of being on her belly (to put it lightly.) However, in the past week, she has started to lift up her head easier and doesn't get so mad anymore. Still not her favorite position by any means though!
Two month picture. :) Looking a little dazed! She had her two month check-up, and everything looked great! Her first set of shots was awful, of course. I think the 2 month shots are the worse- she was laying on the table so happy and then she gets jabbed in the leg with a needle! Poor baby. :( Little Miss weighed 11 lbs 12 oz, which is the 65th percentile, and was 22 1/2" long, which is 40th percentile. So she has gained 5 pounds and grown 3 inches since she was born. She's also the same length as Bella was at her 2 month check-up. However, chubby big sister weighed a pound more. :) Derek and I chalk that up to Grace sleeping the first week of her life away!
She started to roll over this month as well, from her back to her belly. I'm surprised she hasn't figured out from her belly to her back, particularly since she hates being on her belly so much!
Grace adores being talked to, and "talking" back. She makes an ooooo sound and started keeeeing. She can also blow bubbles!
She discovered her hands and loves to chew and suck on her fingers. She has tried sucking on her fingers when sleeping, but hasn't completely figured it out. Grace may be another finger sucker as well. :) Which would be okay as she doesn't always like her binky!
Here she is watching Baby Einstein for the very first time! She has enjoyed watching that occasionally, especially since she is much more alert but can't grasp any toys on her own yet.
Grace is still eating great. She typically eats every 3 hours in the day, and usually goes 5-6 a night. She has slept 7-8 hours several times, but not consistently yet. However, she goes right back to sleep after eating, so I don't really mind. I'll sleep all night someday. :)
She's been spending more time in her Bumbo and is getting pretty good at holding her head up all the time! Still wobbles around a bit like a bobblehead at times. :)
Little miss's naps have been slightly erratic during her second month. At the beginning of the month, they were great. She was falling into a 3 a day schedule- typically sleeping for 2 hours in the morning, 2 hours in the afternoon, and around 1 hour in the evening. Then all of a sudden, she decided to start taking 20 minute cat naps- or waking up immediately after I laid her down! Thankfully, that phase seems to have ended again- she still wakes up but usually goes back to sleep. Grace seems to follow her big sister in regards to napping- doesn't like to nap and only sleeps in the swing. Oh well, night sleep is more important anyway!
She discovered her hands and loves to chew and suck on her fingers. She has tried sucking on her fingers when sleeping, but hasn't completely figured it out. Grace may be another finger sucker as well. :) Which would be okay as she doesn't always like her binky!
Here she is watching Baby Einstein for the very first time! She has enjoyed watching that occasionally, especially since she is much more alert but can't grasp any toys on her own yet.
Grace is still eating great. She typically eats every 3 hours in the day, and usually goes 5-6 a night. She has slept 7-8 hours several times, but not consistently yet. However, she goes right back to sleep after eating, so I don't really mind. I'll sleep all night someday. :)
She's been spending more time in her Bumbo and is getting pretty good at holding her head up all the time! Still wobbles around a bit like a bobblehead at times. :)
Little miss's naps have been slightly erratic during her second month. At the beginning of the month, they were great. She was falling into a 3 a day schedule- typically sleeping for 2 hours in the morning, 2 hours in the afternoon, and around 1 hour in the evening. Then all of a sudden, she decided to start taking 20 minute cat naps- or waking up immediately after I laid her down! Thankfully, that phase seems to have ended again- she still wakes up but usually goes back to sleep. Grace seems to follow her big sister in regards to napping- doesn't like to nap and only sleeps in the swing. Oh well, night sleep is more important anyway!
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