Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Little Miss Bella is nearly 5 months old already! She keeps growing and growing every day, and developing more of her little personality. She is still such a happy little girl, even though she has not one, but TWO bottom teeth coming in. The bottom left is poking all the way out, and the bottom right is just starting to come through. It really doesn't seem to bother her too much though- not that that is a surprise. She is making life too easy on us!
Still as happy as ever! All dressed up for church like a pretty princess.
Her chubby legs look pretty cute in tights. :)
She is still absolutely loving her cereal. We are now giving it to her two times a day. She sometimes gets oatmeal cereal as well. The only problem with eating is that Bella tries to yank the spoon away from me, thus making the cereal go all over her face! I'm still nursing Bella as well, and thankfully we haven't had any more episodes of bottle refusal lately. I'm hoping those times are all past....
We also tried out a new food last night for the first time- sweet potatoes! As this picture shows, she wasn't too sure about it. She didn't spit it out, but she just made this weird face. However, we tried it again tonight, and she ate half the jar with no problem. Despite Daddy telling her that it's gross....
This is Bella's "cheerleading" outfit! She actually got to show her legs on a day that wasn't freezing- miracle!
I think I can stand all by myself! Bella still isn't any closer to crawling, thank goodness. However, she does have this new move where she can scoot herself around in a circle on her belly. So I know the crawling will be coming soon....
Still in love with her feet!
And still developing several rolls. :) Her belly looks pretty cute hanging over her diaper though!
This is Bella's new hat for winter! Since she doesn't have any hair on her head, we have to keep her warm in some way!A little family picture of us. Another cute thing that Bella has been doing lately is giving us "kisses." She is VERY into our faces and grabbing at them. She will then open her mouth up wide and land it on our cheeks! It's pretty sweet. :) Posing with the pumpkins for Halloween! Thankfully I took these on a nice day, as the actual Halloween day was quite chilly. A pumpkin that is the right size for Bella. :) And here is the most adorable kitty ever! Yes, such a surprise to all who know me... I wanted Bella to be a kitty for her first Halloween. I'm afraid she might not have much of a choice in liking cats... But even Derek agreed that she made quite a cute kitty. Getting to open her very first present from Grandpa Doug and Grandma Sheri- well excluding all the presents from her birth. As to be figured, she was more interested in the tissue paper. And again, notice the kitty bag and kitty stuffed animal.... We're cat people. :) Looking at her fun new books! Reading is something I have been doing more with Bella lately, although she is maybe more interested in chewing on the books. She does sit on my lap though and look at the pictures. Showing off the cute kitty costume! She went trick-or-treating earlier in the day to Grandpa Doug and Grandma Sheri, Great-Grandpa and Grandma Zylstra, Uncle Shawn, Aunt ChyAnne and kids, and Grandpa Ralph, Grandma Luann, and Aunt Anna. Then tonight we gave out candy to kids in our neighborhood- next year we'll take her out! My two favorite kitties! They even match each other. This was the first time that Bella has really noticed Tommy. She was even petting him, and he surprisingly let her! I think Tommy knows that she comes from me- he doesn't hiss at her like he does to pretty much everybody other than my mom and I. :)Our favorite kitty! Definitely a good first Halloween.

1 comment:

Heather and Riley said...

She made a really cute kitty, glad to hear you had some good weather.