Monday, November 16, 2009

Thoughts from the Male of the House

Lindsey requested that I make an appearance on the blog again, so here I am. She does a great job keeping you all up to date, but I said that I would take over the duties for this round. We have some new images of Bella ready to go for your viewing pleasure. She's getting bigger and bigger each and every day. Here are some new "FIRSTS" again for Bella, along with some other pictures that we wanted to share.
Here is Bella's five month picture. A nice big smile for the camera.
Another big smile from Bella during some photography time in her chair.
Here is Bella's cheesy smile. She does this funny smile quite often, especially when she's in a really excited and hyper mood.
Another cute picture of Bella smiling in her chair.
How sweet!

Another cheesy smile from Bella. She is quite the little smiler!
Here's Bella's first time in our swing. This past weekend it was really nice, so we decided to take advantage of one of the last remaining nice days of the year. I think she liked the swing quite a bit. However, the weather proof rope did break later and she just about had a big fall.
Bella has also started eating some very yummy foods. We have her eating carrots, sweet potatoes and squash. Here she is getting nice and messy during her dinner before bed time.
Here's chubby Bella, getting ready for bath time.
This was Bella's first bath with bubbles. She seemed to enjoy them quite a bit.
Bella also began sitting up on her own this past week. She has done it before, but not nearly as well as she is doing it now. We still have to watch and make sure she doesn't tumble over, but she's getting quite good at sitting up all by herself.
This was Bella sitting on our bed. She sat in this position for a good 15 minutes.
Bella in her Iowa gear and a new bow that somehow clips onto her very thin hair.
Just a cute side shot of Bella and her new bow.
Here's Bella and I trying to fake a smile after the disappointing loss on Saturday. There's always next year, I guess.
Here's Bella sleeping. Her mouth is hanging open and that's when you really know she's out cold!
Here's Bella after church on Sunday morning. I believe this is one of her outfits for her six month pictures as well.
Sitting up and smiling! If you look closely, you can see her two bottom teeth. We believe that she is working on some more teeth as well as her extreme drooling has resumed.
Looking very cute and snoopy as well!

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