Monday, August 13, 2012

Ozarks Trip!

In July, we went down to the Ozarks for a few days with our De Haan family! We spent lots of time swimming, which our girls obviously adored. Bella also enjoyed spending time with her De Haan cousins. It was a great relaxing vacation!

Splashing around like a little crazy girl. :)
The water was a little chilly in the morning hours for Miss Grace, but when the sun came out over the pool in the afternoon, it was great!

Loving on little missy. :)

One night, we went to drive go-karts. Bella was excited about this pre-trip, but she only lasted two laps with Daddy before getting out because she was scared. A little too young yet!
She probably would've been perfectly content to just sit in the car and pretend to drive. :) 
Cruising around with Daddy.
We also went on a boat ride one afternoon. That too lasted about all of 10 minutes before Bella was done. :)
She did like getting to wear a princess life vest however!
All the girls. :) 

Bella was much more intent on going to swim rather than sit on a boat! 

She is getting pretty good at swimming with all of the pool time we've had this summer!
Bella and Cayden discovered a new fun game to play with each in the condo- pretending to be Mommy and Daddy and take care of their baby (Bella's baby doll). This was pretty amusing to listen to! We also got a very funny picture on Derek's phone of then wearing Grandpa and Grandma's hats. :) Apparently those were needed to be the mommy and daddy.
The last night we were there, we went miniature golfing- Bella's first time! However, she didn't last long with this activity either due to the heat and the fact that she hadn't been getting a whole lot of sleep.
On the morning we left, we tried to get some pictures of the kids together. This is the best one caught before Nolan escaped. :)
Cayden and Bella were much easier!
And here is all of the siblings and kiddos!
Back in Pella, we did some more family pictures while Matthew and Melissa were still here- the last one before a new little girl makes her entrance into the world! :)
Attempting another shot of the cousins together- pretty successful, despite that Bella looks like she has a death grip on Grace.
Such sweet little kiddos! We had a great family week with everyone!

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