Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy 2009! (Almost)

Hopefully everybody had a Merry Christmas, and will soon have a Happy New Year! Derek and I are definitely excited for this next year for obvious reasons- particularly in May-June!
Nothing much new is happening with us. We had a doctor's appointment last week before Christmas, and everything is still going well. Baby's heartbeat was still strong, although he/she was moving around a lot. I (Lindsey) THINK that I have started to feel baby movements, but I need it to happen a few more times until I know for sure. We haven't found out the sex yet, but our ultrasound is scheduled for January 12. So we are hoping that baby will be cooperative so we can know what we will be having and actually start preparing for the arrival! Derek is still convinvced it's a girl, and constantly refers to it as a "she." So if the baby is a boy, he could have some issues already. :) So we will let everyone know what it is when we find out! 13 days and counting!

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