Saturday, May 23, 2009

39 Weeks...

We have now arrived into week 39... which I am a little disappointed about. I was hoping that our little girl would decide to make an early entrance, but she is apparently quite content inside of me! Hopefully she will decide to come still in this next week, rather than dragging it on to the bitter end or beyond. I have done about everything possible to encourage labor! Derek and I have been taking many walks, and I even made him eat some of the hottest wings in the world last night. But I guess she isn't going to come until she is good and ready!

Me at 37 weeks
38.5 weeks- it just continues to grow and grow!
I thought that our blog has been dominated by pictures of me, so I thought I would stick one in of Derek. He is standing by the tree he planted- or actually, one of the trees! I've been keeping him busy with work around the house.
The bridesmaid that everybody felt sorry for and my friend Gwyn.
Yes, I wore a sleeveless dress and heels all day long at 38 weeks pregnant. It was really okay though, and I'm so glad that I made it through friend's wedding. Of course, now baby has decided to stay inside longer than I planned!
HOPEFULLY our next post will be announcing the arrival of our baby girl! But who knows what she may decide to do!

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