Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Getting closer!

Today I had our 36 week appointment- the weeks are rapidly winding down! Everything continues to look good for our little girl. I am still measuring about a week ahead, but our doctor says that it is nothing to worry about, especially since I have measured big for almost the entire pregnancy. He also checked me for the first time today- I am starting to dilate (about a fingertip he said, which is almost to 1 cm) and I was 25% effaced. I realize if you've never had a baby, that means absolutely nothing! :) So basically, I am progressing well. I was reassured by the appointment today- there's nothing to indicate that I will be having the baby before my friends wedding on the 16th. I just need to make it through the next week and half, then I'll be ready to meet our little girl! We are pretty much all ready at home for her. I do have some more work I want to get done around the house, but nothing too urgent. As my dear hubby knows and loves, I am pretty anal-compulsive about having things clean. So I'm not sure if it is "nesting" or if it's just me being myself, but I have cleaned about every inch of the house already, even though most of it probably didn't need to be done!

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