Wednesday, June 13, 2012

May Girls

Here are some pictures of the sweet girls together from the past month. :) 
They love each other so much- well, Bella usually loves Grace. :) More so if she stays out of her toys! Grace always adores Bella though. She would love to just jump on top of her if Bella would let her. 
So sweet. :) 
We took a picture of all the Huyser grandchildren as part of a Mother's Day gift for my mom this year. It took some work, particularly in getting the two little babies to stop looking at each other. 
But we eventually had a very successful photo! 
My girls and I after church on Mother's Day! So very blessed to be the mommy of such special little girls. 
And here we are with my mama later on Mother's Day! I think this is the first picture we have taken of all of us- only 8 months late, right? 

When I was taking pictures of Gracie by this pond, Bella actually decided to join in- quite the surprise!
Of course, I think she kept "nudging" her over to fall down.
Another fun activity we did this month was go to the Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines! Not exactly the best idea to go to this zoo after going to the St. Louis Zoo, but I had bought a Groupon that needed to be used. So we went with Grandma Sheri a day- and Bella still had fun.
Gracie too. :)
Checking out the fish.
Sitting in the giant egg is always a favorite!
Pretending to be a baby joey!
Riding the train is a zoo highlight for Bella! She loves to make the choo choo noises.
She is getting very brave with her animal feeding skills; I'm very proud of her! She actually fed the starving goats all by herself, and they are a little freaky since they practically eat the cup right out of your hand.
Feeding the fish with Grandma.
Gracie chilled and chewed on a plastic spoon- a love for these spoons were discovered in St. Louis! Who knew?
Riding on the giant sea lion! We did get to see the new sea lion exhibit at the zoo, which was pretty cool. Bella enjoyed watching the sea lion do its various tricks.
Waiting in line....
To get Bella's face painted again! One of her favorite activities.
Grandma and Gracie!
Putting on the finishing touches! 
And there is a pink jaguar. I think this was the best painting Bella has had yet! It was also slightly messy by the end of the day since her face was completely covered in paint. But she loved it!
Sitting on the big caterpillar.
And posing for a picture with Grandma at the end of the day- well kinda posing. :) I couldn't get either girl to look at me!

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